This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Working with GPUs


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What type of GPU devices are available on SCW systems?

  • How to modify a job script to request GPUs?

  • Identify types of GPUs available on SCW systems

  • Obtain knowledge on how to modify job scripts to request GPU devices

  • Running a GPU simple job script

Available GPU devices


There are currently two types of GPU devices available to our users on two partitions:

Partition name Number of nodes Device model Memory (GB) Tensor cores Cuda cores Time limit (h)
gpu 13 P100 16 0 3584 72
gpu_v100 15 V100 16 640 5120 72
All GPU nodes have 2 GPU devices

The main difference between these devices is on the availability of Tensor cores on the V100. Tensor cores are a new type of programmable core exclusive to GPUs based on the Volta architecture that run alongside standard CUDA cores. Tensor cores can accelerate mixed-precision matrix multiply and accumulate calculations in a single operation. This capability is specially significant for AI/DL/ML applications that rely on large matrix operations.


All GPU nodes are V100

Partition name Number of nodes Device model Memory (GB) Tensor cores Cuda cores Time limit (h)
gpu 4 V100 16 640 5120 48
All GPU nodes have 2 GPU devices

Requesting GPUs

Slurm controls access to the GPUs on a node such that access is only granted when the resource is requested specifically (i.e. is not implicit with processor/node count), so that in principle it would be possible to request a GPU node without GPU devices but this would bad practice. Slurm models GPUs as a Generic Resource (GRES), which is requested at job submission time via the following additional directive:

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2

This directive instructs Slurm to allocate two GPUs per allocated node, to not use nodes without GPUs and to grant access.

On your job script you should also point to the desired GPU enabled partition:

#SBATCH -p gpu  # to request P100 GPUs
# Or
#SBATCH -p gpu_v100 # to request V100 GPUs

It is then possible to use CUDA enabled applications or the CUDA toolkit modules themselves, modular environment examples being:

module load CUDA/11.7
module load gromacs/2018.2-single-gpu

GPU compute modes (not included on sunbird)

NVIDIA GPU cards can be operated in a number of Compute Modes. In short the difference is whether multiple processes (and, theoretically, users) can access (share) a GPU or if a GPU is exclusively bound to a single process. It is typically application-specific whether one or the other mode is needed, so please pay particular attention to example job scripts. GPUs on SCW systems default to ‘shared’ mode.

Users are able to set the Compute Mode of GPUs allocated to their job through a pair of helper scripts that should be called in a job script in the following manner:

To set exclusive mode:

clush -w $SLURM_NODELIST "sudo /apps/slurm/gpuset_3_exclusive"

And to set shared mode (although this is the default at the start of any job):

clush -w $SLURM_NODELIST "sudo /apps/slurm/gpuset_0_shared"

To query the Compute Mode:

clush -w $SLURM_NODELIST "nvidia-smi -q|grep Compute"

Compiling with CUDA libraries

CUDA libraries are not accessible from general compute nodes (compute, htc, highmem) but they are on dev and login nodes for the purpose of testing and compilation. Trying to load CUDA libraries on these partitions would result in the following error:

ERROR: CUDA is not available. GPU detected is unknown

What this means is that you are capable of building your CUDA application on the login nodes and test basic functionality on dev, but to test actual GPU work you will need to submit your job to gpu or gpu_v100.

Current CUDA versions available on our systems are:

$ module avail CUDA
-------------------------- /apps/modules/libraries --------------------------
CUDA/10.0 CUDA/10.2 CUDA/11.2 CUDA/11.6 CUDA/12.0 CUDA/9.0  CUDA/9.2
CUDA/10.1 CUDA/11   CUDA/11.5 CUDA/11.7 CUDA/8.0  CUDA/9.1

CUDA/12.0 is not currently available on Sunbird.

The latest NVIDIA driver version on the GPU nodes is 525.60.13 for CUDA 12.0 which is backwards compatible with prior versions of CUDA.

Running a GPU job

Here is a job script to help you submit a “hello-world” GPU job:

#!/bin/bash --login
#SBATCH --job-name=gpu.example
#SBATCH --error=%x.e.%j
#SBATCH --output=%x.o.%j
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=20
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --account=scwXXXX

clush -w $SLURM_NODELIST "sudo /apps/slurm/gpuset_3_exclusive"

set -eu

module purge
module load CUDA/10.1
module load keras/2.3.1
module list

rm -rf ${WDPATH}
mkdir -p ${WDPATH}
cd ${WDPATH}
cp ${input_dir}/${test}.py ${WDPATH}

start="$(date +%s)"
time python -u -i ${test}.py
stop="$(date +%s)"
finish=$(( $stop-$start ))
echo gpu test ${test} $SLURM_JOBID Job-Time $finish seconds
echo Keras End Time is `date`
#!/bin/bash --login
#SBATCH --job-name=gpu.example
#SBATCH --error=%x.e.%j
#SBATCH --output=%x.o.%j
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=20
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --account=scw2196

set -eu

module purge
module load CUDA/10.1
module load tensorflow/1.11-gpu
module list

rm -rf ${WDPATH}
mkdir -p ${WDPATH}
cd ${WDPATH}
cp ${input_dir}/${test}.py ${WDPATH}

start="$(date +%s)"
time python -u -i ${test}.py
stop="$(date +%s)"
finish=$(( $stop-$start ))
echo gpu test ${test} $SLURM_JOBID Job-Time $finish seconds
echo Keras End Time is `date`

The above example is taken from “Deep Learning with Python” by Francois Chollet and explores a Deep Learning Two-class classification problem. In specific, the purpose of the model is to classify movie review as positive or negative based on the context of the reviews.

Running a GPU job…

Try running the above example.

$ sbatch gpu.example.q

Does it work? Try submitting it to a non-GPU node. Is there a big difference in timing? Take into account that this is a very model. However, in real research problems, using GPU enabled applications have the potential to reduce significantly computational time.

Key Points

  • SCW systems offer P100 and V100 generation GPU devices

  • GPUs are treated as a consumable resource and need to be requested explicitly

  • CUDA libraries are only available on GPU partitions, dev and login nodes