Running Jobs with Slurm


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • How do I run a job with the Slurm scheduler?

  • Understand how to submit an interactive job using Slurm

  • Understand how to submit a batch job using Slurm

  • Understand how to set the parameters for your Slurm job

  • Understand the concept of job arrays

  • Know how to get email alerts from Slurm

Working with the scheduler

The scheduler is responsible for listening to your job requests, then finding the proper compute node that meets your job’s resource requirements – RAM, number of cores, time, etc. It dispatches the job to a compute node, collects info about the completed work, and stores information about your job. If you’ve asked it to do so, it will even notify you about the status of your job (e.g. begin, end, fail, etc).

Running interactive jobs

There are two ways to run jobs on a cluster. One, usually done at the start, is to get an interactive/foreground session on a compute node. This will give you a command prompt on a compute node and let you run the commands of your choice there.

If you want to experiment with some code and test it you should run it this way. ** Don’t run jobs on the login nodes ** – the two 40-core login nodes are dedicated to letting users connect and compile their software; their resources are negligible compared to the 5,000 CPU cores on the compute nodes.

To get an interactive session, you first need to issue a salloc command to reserve some resources.

salloc --nodes=1 --account=scwXXXX --reservation=scwXXXX_YY --partition=development

(You will need to replace XXXX to match the account ID and YY to match the reservation ID given by your instructor.) The –partition=development will launch your job in the development partition which has a 30 minute time limit. This is only available on Sunbird in Swansea, on Hawk in Cardiff use –partition=dev instead.

The salloc command will respond now with a job ID number.

salloc: Granted job allocation 21712
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes scs0018 are ready for job

Acccounts and Reservations

We can optionally specify an account and reservation ID to Slurm. The account ID tells the system which project your job will be accounted against, if you are a member of multiple projects some might have different priorities and limitations.

A reservation is where some compute nodes have been reserved for a particular project at a particular time. To ensure nodes are available for this course we may have obtained a reservation. Your instructor will tell you which acccount and reservation to use here. The account can be specified either through the --account option to salloc (and to the sbatch command which we’ll use soon) and the reservation through the --reservation option. Alternatively, these can be specified in the SALLOC_ACCOUNT, SBATCH_ACCOUNT, SALLOC_RESERVATION and SBATCH_RESERVATION environment variables.

We have now allocated ourselves a host to run a program on. The -n 1 tells Slurm how many copies of the task we will be running. The --ntasks-per-node=1 tells Slurm that we will just be running one task for every node we are allocated. We could increase either of these numbers if we want to run multiple copies of a task and if we want to run more than one copy per node.

The --account option tells Slurm which project to account your usage against, if you are only a member of one project then this will default to that project. If you’re a member of multiple projects then you must specify this—if you do not, the job will fail to submit, and you will receive an error reminding you to set it. The accounting information is used to measure what resources a project has consumed and to prioritise its use, so its important to choose the right project.

To ensure nodes are available for this training workshop a reservation may have been made to prevent anyone else using a few nodes. In order to make use of these you must use the --reservation option too; if you don’t then you’ll have to wait in the same queue as everyone else.

To actually run a command we now need to issue the srun command. This also takes a -n parameter to tell Slurm how many copies of the job to run and it takes the name of the program to run. To run a job interactively we need another argument: --pty.

srun --pty /bin/bash

If you run command above you will see the hostname in the prompt change to the name of the compute node that Slurm has allocated to you. In the example below the compute node is called scs0018.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ srun --pty /bin/bash
[s.jane.doe@scs0018 ~]$

We are now logged into a compute node and can run any commands we wish and these will run on the compute node instead of the login node. You can also confirm the name of the host that you are connected to by running the hostname command.


Once we are done working with the compute node we need to disconnect from it. The exit command will exit the bash program on the compute node causing us to disconnect. After this command is issued the hostname prompt should change back to the login node’s name (e.g. sl1 or cl1).

[s.jane.doe@scs0018  ~]$ exit
[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$

At this point we still hold an allocation for a node, and could run another job on it if we wished. We can confirm this by examining the queue of our jobs with the squeue command. By default this will show all users’ jobs, which is a bit overwhelming, so we can use --user= and our username to filter to our own jobs only.

squeue --user=s.jane.doe
           21712   compute     bash s.jane.doe  R       3:58      1 scs0018

To relinquish the node allocation we need to issue another exit command.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ exit

This will display a message that the job allocation is being relinquished and show us the same job ID number again.

salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 21712

At this point our job is complete and we no longer hold any allocations. We can confirm this again with the squeue command.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ squeue --user=s.jane.doe

Running batch jobs

For most situations we won’t want to run a job interactively, instead we will want to submit it to the cluster have it do its work and return any output files to us. We might submit many copies of the same job with different parameters in this way. This method of working is known as batch processing. To do this we must first write some details about our job into a script file. Use nano (or your favourite command line text editor) and create a file containing the following:

#!/bin/bash --login
# job name
#SBATCH --job-name=hostname
# job stdout file
#SBATCH --output=hostname.out.%J
# job stderr file
#SBATCH --error=hostname.err.%J
# maximum job time in D-HH:MM
#SBATCH --time=0-00:01
# maximum memory of 10 megabytes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10
# run a single task, using a single CPU core
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
# specify our current project
# change this for your own work
#SBATCH --account=scwXXXX
# specify the reservation we have for the training workshop
# replace XX with the code provided by your instructor
# remove this for your own work
#SBATCH --reservation=scwXXXX_YY
# Specify the development partition, this will give out job a maximum of 30 minutes to run
#SBATCH --partition=development


This is actually a bash script file containing all the commands that will be run. Lines beginning with a # are comments which bash will ignore. However lines that begin #SBATCH are instructions for the sbatch program. The first of these (#SBATCH --job-name=hostname) tells sbatch the name of the job; in this case we will call the job hostname. The --output line tells sbatch where output from the program should be sent; the %J in its name means the job number. Including the job number in the output filename means that repeated runs of the same script won’t overwrite the output file. The same applies for the --error line, except here it is for error messages that the program might generate, in most cases this file will be blank. The --time line limits how long the job can run for, this is specified in days, hours and minutes. The --mem-per-cpu tells Slurm how much memory to allow the job to use on each CPU it runs on, if the job exceeds this limit Slurm will automatically stop it. You can set this to zero for no limits. However by putting in a sensible number you can help allow other jobs to run on the same node. --account and --reservation tell Slurm to count usage against the project created for training workshops, and to use the nodes that have been reserved for today’s training. (The value after --reservation changes for each workshop; your instructor will give you a value to use.) The final line specifies the actual commands which will be executed, in this case its the hostname command which will tell us the name of the compute node which ran our job.

Running on your own

If you are following this guide outside of a training workshop, or want to adjust the script to use in your own research, you will need to remove the --reservation line, since there won’t be a reservation in place, and change --account to the project code of an approved project that you are a member of.

Lets go ahead and submit this job with the sbatch command.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ sbatch

sbatch will respond with the number of the job.

Submitted batch job 3739464

Our job should only take a couple of seconds to run, but if we are fast we might see it in the squeue list.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ squeue --user=s.jane.doe
           3739464      work hostname jane.doe  R       0:01      1 scs0018

Once the job is completed two new files should be created, one called hostname.out.3739464 and one called hostname.err.3739464. The .out file is the output from the command we ran and the .err is the errors from that command. Your job files will have different names as they will contain the job ID you were allocated and not 3739464. Lets go ahead and look at the .out file:

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ cat hostname.out.373464

If we check the .err file it should be blank:

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ cat hostname.err.373464

Over-riding the sbatch options from the command line

As well as specifying options to sbatch in the batch file, they can specified on the command line too. Lets edit our batch file to run the command /bin/sleep 70 before /bin/hostname, this will cause it to wait for 70 seconds before exiting. As our job has a one minute limit this should fail and the hostname output will never happen.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ nano

Edit the script to have the command /bin/sleep 70 before the hostname command.

#!/bin/bash --login
# job name
#SBATCH --job-name=hostname
# job stdout file
#SBATCH --output=hostname.out.%J
# job stderr file
#SBATCH --error=hostname.err.%J
# maximum job time in D-HH:MM
#SBATCH --time=0-00:01
# maximum memory of 10 megabytes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10
# run a single task, using a single CPU core
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
# specify our current project
# change this for your own work
#SBATCH --account=scwXXXX
# specify the reservation we have for the training workshop
# remove this for your own work
# replace XXXX and YY with the code provided by your instructor
#SBATCH --reservation=scwXXXX_YY
# Specify the development partition, this will give out job a maximum of 30 minutes to run
#SBATCH --partition=development

/bin/sleep 70

Now lets resubmit the job.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$  sbatch
Submitted batch job 3739465

After approximately one minute the job will disappear from the squeue output, but this time the .out file should be empty and the .err file will contain an error message saying the job was cancelled:

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$  cat hostname.err.3739465
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 3739465 ON scs0018 CANCELLED AT 2017-12-06T16:45:38 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***
[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ cat hostname.out.3739465

Now lets override the time limit by giving the parameter --time 0-0:2 to sbatch, this will set the time limit to two minutes and the job should complete.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ sbatch --time 0-0:2
 Submitted batch job 3739466

After approximately 70 seconds the job will disappear from the squeue list and this we should have nothing in the .err file and a hostname in the .out file.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ cat hostname.err.3739466
[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ cat hostname.out.3739466

Cancelling jobs

The scancel command can be used to cancel a job after its submitted. Lets go ahead and resubmit the job we just used.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$  sbatch
Submitted batch job 3739467

Now (within 60 seconds) lets cancel the job.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$  scancel 3739467

This will cancel the job, squeue will now show no record of it and there won’t be a .out or .err file for it.

Listing jobs that have run

The sacct command lists all the jobs you have run. By default this shows the Job ID, the Job Name, partition, Account, number of CPUs used, the state of the job and how long it ran for.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$  sacct
       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
21713              bash    compute    scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21713.extern     extern               scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21713.0            bash               scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21714              bash    compute    scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21714.extern     extern               scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21714.0            bash               scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21716          hostname    compute    scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21716.batch       batch               scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0
21716.extern     extern               scw1000          1  COMPLETED      0:0

In the output above the account is the project you are associated with. scw1000 is the RSE project. You’ll probably see a different project account here.

Using the sbatch command.

If you haven’t done so already:

  1. Write a submission script to run the hostname command on one node, with one core using one megabyte of RAM and a maximum run time of one minute. Have it save its output to hostname.out.%J and errors to hostname.err.%J.
  2. Run your script using sbatch
  3. Examine the output file, which host did it run on?
  4. Try running it again, did your command run on the same host?
  5. Now add the command /bin/sleep 70 before the line running hostname in the script. Run the job again and examine the output of squeue as it runs. How many seconds does the job run for before it ends? Hint: the command watch -n 1 squeue will run squeue every second and show you the output. Press CTRL+C to stop it.
  6. What is in the .err file, why did you script exit? Hint: if it wasn’t due to the time expiring try altering another parameter so it is due a time expiration.

Running multiple copies of a job with srun

So far we’ve only run a single copy of a program. Often we’ll need to run multiple copies of something. To do this we can combine the sbatch and srun commands. Instead of just placing the command at the end of the script we’ll srun the command. This will allow multiple copies of the command to run. In the example below two copies of the hostname command are run on two different nodes.

#!/bin/bash --login
# job name
#SBATCH --job-name=hostname
# job stdout file
#SBATCH --output=hostname.out.%J
# job stderr file
#SBATCH --error=hostname.err.%J
# maximum job time in D-HH:MM
#SBATCH --time=0-00:01
# maximum memory of 10 megabytes
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10
# run a two tasks
#SBATCH --ntasks=2
# run the tasks across two nodes; i.e. one per node
#SBATCH --nodes=2
# specify our current project
# change this for your own work
#SBATCH --account=scwXXXX
# specify the reservation we have for the training workshop
# remove this for your own work
# replace XX with the code provided by your instructor
#SBATCH --reservation=scwXXXX_YY
# Specify the development partition, this will give out job a maximum of 30 minutes to run
#SBATCH --partition=development

srun /bin/hostname

Save this as and run it with sbatch

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ sbatch

The output will now go into hostname.out.jobnumber and should contain two different hostnames.

Job Arrays

Job Arrays are another method for running multiple copies of the same job. The --array parameter to sbatch allows us to make use of this feature.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ sbatch --array=0-2

The above command will submit three copies of the command.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ squeue --user=s.jane.doe
         3739590_0   compute hostname s.jane.doe  R       0:01      1 scs0018
         3739590_1   compute hostname s.jane.doe  R       0:01      1 scs0018
         3739590_2   compute hostname s.jane.doe  R       0:01      1 scs0096

Running squeue as this is happening will show three distinct jobs, each with an _ followed by a number on the end of their job ID. When the jobs are complete there will be three output and three err files all with the job ID and the job array number.

[s.jane.doe@sl1 ~]$ ls -rt | tail -6

Its possible for programs to get hold of their array number from the $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable. If we add the command echo $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID to our batch script then it will be possible to see this in the output file.

Choosing the proper resources for your job

When you submit a job, you are requesting resources from the scheduler to run your job. These are:

Choosing resources is like playing a game with the scheduler: You want to request enough to get your job completed without failure, But request too much: your job is “bigger” and thus harder to schedule. Request too little: if your job goes over that requested, it is killed. So you want to get it just right, and pad a little for wiggle room.

Another way to think of ‘reserving’ a compute node for you job is like making a reservation at a restaurant:

“Never use a piece of software for the first time without looking to see what command-line options are available and what default parameters are being used” —Keith Bradnam,


This is determined by test runs that you do on your code during an interactive session. Or, if you submit a batch job, over-ask first, check the amount of time actually needed, then reduce time on later runs. The Supercomputing Wales hubs have a limit of three days maximum to run a job

Please! Due to scheduler overhead, bundle commands for minimum of 10 minutes / job


We recommend that you check the software docs for memory requirements. But since these are not stated, we can take another approach. On the Supercomputing Wales hubs, each job is allowed, on average, 9 GB RAM/core allocated. So, try 3 GB and do a trial run via srun or sbatch. If your job was killed, look at your log files or sacct. If it shows a memory error, you went over. Ask for more and try again.

Once the job has finished, ask the scheduler how much RAM was used by using the sacct command to get post-run job info:

sacct -j JOBID --format=JobID,JobName,ReqMem,MaxRSS,Elapsed # RAM requested/used!!

The ReqMem field is how much you asked for and MaxRSS is how much was actually used. Now go back and adjust your RAM request in your sbatch command or submission script.

Number of Cores

You can tell Slurm how many cores you expect your software to use with the -n or --ntasks arguments. Setting this to more than one doesn’t cause multiple copies of your job to run. This is determined by your software, how anxious you are to get the work done, and how well your code scales. NOTE! Throwing more cores at a job does not make it run faster! This is a common mistake and will waste compute time and prevent other users from running jobs. Ensure your software can use multiple cores: Inspect the parameters for your software and look for options such as ‘threads’, ‘processes’, ‘cpus’; this will often indicate that it has been parallelized. Then run test jobs to see how well it performs with multiple cores, inching slowing from 1 to 2, 4, 8, etc, assessing the decrease in time for the job run as you increase cores. Programs often do not scale well – it’s important to understand this so you can choose the appropriate number.

Number of Nodes

For most software, this choice is simple: 1. There are very few software packages capable of running across multiple nodes. If they are capable, they will probably mention the use of technology called ‘MPI’ or ‘openMPI’. Please talk to your local Supercomputing Wales staff about how to run this. If you wish to set this use the --nodes or -N options to sbatch.

Partitions (Queues)

Partitions, or queues, are a grouping of computers to run a certain profile of jobs. This could be maximum run time, number of cores used, maximum amount of RAM, etc. On the Supercomputing Wales hubs each unique configuration of systems has its own partition. Earlier on we used the sinfo command to list the state of the cluster, one of the parameters this showed was the name of the partitions.

Here is the output of sinfo on Sunbird in Swansea.

compute*     up 3-00:00:00      1   fail scs0042
compute*     up 3-00:00:00      1 drain* scs0004
compute*     up 3-00:00:00      2    mix scs[0018,0065]
compute*     up 3-00:00:00     84  alloc scs[0001-0003,0005-0017,0020-0035,0043-0046,0049-0064,0066-0072,0097-0114,0116-0122]
compute*     up 3-00:00:00     34   idle scs[0019,0036-0041,0047-0048,0073-0096,0115]
gpu          up 2-00:00:00      4   idle scs[2001-2004]

The partition name is listed in the first column. The * next to the compute partition denotes that it is the default. We can see that in total it contains 122 nodes. Each of these has 384GB of RAM and 40 Intel Xeon Scalable Silver cores. Meanwhile the gpu queue contains 4 nodes, which have the same number of CPU cores and amount of RAM as those in the compute queue, but additionally have two NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs each.

We can specify which partition a job runs in with the -p or --partition arguments to sbatch. So for example the following command will run our batch job on the compute partition.

sbatch --partition compute

We could also add the following line to the batch submission script.

#SBATCH --partition compute

Email Alerts from Slurm

You can receive email alerts when your job begins and ends by adding the following to your Slurm script. Set --mail-type to END if you just want to be alerted about jobs completing.

#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL


Getting email output from sbatch

  1. Add the following lines to your script from the previous exercise: #SBATCH (change to your own email address) #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
  2. Submit the script with the sbatch command. You should get an email when the job starts and finishes.

Using job arrays

  1. Add the following to the end of your job script echo $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
  2. Submit the script with the sbatch --array=0-1 command.
  3. When the job completes look at the output file. What does the last line contain?
  4. Try resubmitting with different array numbers, for example 10-11. Be careful not to create too many jobs.
  5. What use is it for a job to know its array number? What might it do with that information?
  6. Try looking at the variables $SLURM_JOB_ID and $SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID what do these contain?


  1. The last line of the output files should contain 0 and 1
  2. If you set the array IDs to 10 and 11 thne the output should contain 10 and 11.
  3. Its useful to act as a parameter for partitioning datasets that each job will process a subpart of.
  4. The job ID and the parent ID of the array job. The parent ID is usually one less than ID of the first array job.

More information about Slurm

Key Points

  • Interactive jobs let you test out the behaviour of a command, but aren’t pratical for running lots of jobs

  • Batch jobs are suited for submitting a job to run without user interaction.

  • Job arrays are useful to submit lots of jobs.

  • Slurm lets you set parameters about how many processors or nodes are allocated, how much memory or how long the job can run.

  • Slurm can email you when a job starts or finishes.