This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

MPI point to point communication


Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I send a message?

  • How do I know if it was successful?

  • Understand how to send a message

  • Know when to use blocking and non-blocking communication.

The first type of communication in MPI is called “Point to Point” where you have some data and know which other MPI task to send and receive from.


Check you understand what MPI_Init, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_comm_rank and MPI_comm_size are.

MPI_init and MPI_init_thread

  • Initialises MPI environment inside code.
  • Strictly speaking code before this is called has undefined behaviour.
  • Function automatically called by mpi4py library.
  • Capture the error messages from this function.


  • MPI communicator representing a method to talk to all processors.
  • The mpi4py library represents this with MPI.COMM_WORLD
  • Having different communicators is quite advanced.
  • This is most common communicator to use.


  • Function that returns the size of the communicator.
  • The mpi4py library represents this in a class method Get_size()
  • Stops having to read number of processors from elsewhere.
  • For MPI_COMM_WORLD it should return the number of processors.
  • Allows for dynamic allocation of resources without recompiling or relying on hard-coded arrays.


  • An identifier within the communicator between 0 and MPI_comm_size-1
  • The mpi4py library represents this in a class method Get_rank()
  • Can be confusing in Fortran as arrays are usually indexed from 1.
  • Used as part of the address when communicating messages.


  • Tells the MPI layer we have finished.
  • Any MPI calls after this will be an error.
  • Does not stop the program.
  • Usually called near (or at) the end.
  • The mpi4py library calls this automatically when exiting.
  • Alternatively MPI_abort can be used
    • Aborts task in communicator
    • One processor may cause the abort.
    • Should only be used for unrecoverable error.
    • mpi4py can perform this automatically with unhandled exceptions in Python using -m mpi4py method of running.


Before code is written to perform communication, lets revisit a simple “Hello World” example.

Hello World

Create a simple MPI program that does the following:

  • Loads the mpi4py module
  • Gets the rank of the MPI task.
  • Gets the maximum number of the MPI tasks.
  • Print message including its rank.
  • Leader task only prints the maximum number of tasks.


Example code available Important lines are:

  • from mpi4py import MPI
  • comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
  • rank = comm.Get_rank()
  • size = comm.Get_size()
  • if rank == 0:

To run the code you can use as a basis

MPI_Send and MPI_Recv

The first type of communication is using a blocking send and recieve. This will not process any furthe code until the send has been completed (i.e. why it is describing as blocking). With mpi4py we can use comm.send and comm.recv.

A message is just identifiable data on the network:

The send and receives have to work in partnership. Without a receive to pick up the data from the send (and it is blocking) the code will hit a deadlock with the code not able to progress with both MPI tasks waiting for their communications to complete. Therefore every send must have a receive (and vice-versa).

There is also a special MPI_ANY_SOURCE to recieve from any sender.


Tags allow messages to further identified and can be used to make messages are read in the correct order. There is no guarantee messages arrive in the order they were sent. Tags can have any value but ideally should be identifiable uniquely so errors in communication can be traced if the tag number is given.

A special tag identifier MPI_ANY_TAG can ignore tag number.

Python interface

The mpi4py interface to MPI_Send and MPI_Recv is with the following:

comm.send(data, dest=?, tag=?)
data = comm.recv(source=?, tag=?)

Exchanging odd with even

Lets use the knowledge of sending and receiving data by exchanging data between pairs of MPI tasks.

  • Each pair will exchange data with each other
  • Tasks with an even rank number will send data to rank+1
  • Tasks with an odd rank number will send data to rank-1


The key thing is to make sure one of the pairs (either the odd or even) send the data first whilst the other pair waits to recieve the data. See and the corresponding slurm job script.


A standard send or receive will block waiting for the operation to complete and can cause deadlocks. The non-blocking versions are very similar but need to be careful to wait for communication to complete before using the data location. For example to send:

req = comm.isend(data, dest=1, tag=11)

Whilst to receive:

req = comm.irecv(source=0, tag=11)
data = req.wait()

Notice the wait() method is used to declare when the code should wait for completion. Useful for exchanging data if sending and recieving at the same time.

Non-blocking communication

Try revisiting the previous example of sending data between pairs of processors. How can this be done with non-blocking communication?


The key difference is the sends and recieves do not need to be different (no matching send to a recieve in order this time. Just isend and irecv and then wait for the sends to complete and then receive the data.

Check out the and the corresponding slurm job script.


Now that it is possible to communicate between MPI tasks. It is sometimes useful to make sure all MPI tasks are at the same location in the code. Could be used for:

A task enters MPI_Barrier and waits for all other MPI tasks to reach the same location in the code. If an MPI task does not reach the barrier then a deadlock will occur.

In mpi4py this is achieved with comm.barrier(). For example

from mpi4py import MPI
import time
id = comm.Get_rank()
print(f"Hello from rank {id}", flush=True)
print(f"Bye from rank {id}", flush=True)

With comm.barrier():

Hello from rank 0
Hello from rank 1
Hello from rank 2
Hello from rank 3
Bye from rank 3
Bye from rank 0
Bye from rank 1
Bye from rank 2

Without comm.barrier():

Hello from rank 0
Bye from rank 0
Hello from rank 1
Hello from rank 2
Bye from rank 1
Hello from rank 3
Bye from rank 2
Bye from rank 3

It should be noted that synchronization points such as MPI_Barrier can waste resource and harm scalability since some MPI tasks might be waiting in the barrier not doing any work.


It is sometimes useful to know where your MPI task is running - imagine a 1000 MPI task job across a number of servers - how do we identify which server the MPI task was on?

With MPI_Get_processor_name is it possible to obtain a unique string to identify the server/resource it is running on.

In mpi4py it is called with:

from mpi4py import MPI

Optimizing communication

In mpi4py there are multiple ways to call the same method due to its automatic handling of Python datatypes such as dictionaries and lists. These calls tend to start with a lowercase as in the examples above, e.g. comm.irecv but to gain some speedup there are the direct C-style functions called with uppercase, e.g. comm.Irecv and expects the buffers to be passed as an argument as in comm.Irecv([buffer, MPI_INT], source=0, tag=0). Note the buffer is now in n list with the second entry the MPI datatype of the buffer. This speeds up commnicatation rather than mpi4py converting all buffers with raw bytes with pickle but can only be used for MPI standard types.

When using numpy arrays, the datatype of the arrays is stored with the data and therefore mpi4py can query the datatype and specify the correct MPI datatype in the communication. This only supports standard numpy C datatypes.

To keep things simple we will use the lowercase variant that supports all types.

Further information

Please check mpi4py documentation site. Especially the tutorial secion.

Key Points

  • Sending messages to another processor is like sending a letter.

  • Non-blocking is most flexible type of point to point communication - just make sure you check for completion.